I am at the point in my life where I am somewhat tired of reading great works and having wonderful discussions with earnest, wisdom seeking people. Words are limited and subject to much misinterpretation. I just want to love and be kind to all I come in contact with each day. This includes people, animals and the earth itself. If I can reflect back at the end of the day and see that I was loving and kind, then it was a day well spent. For now, this is all I can offer the world. When my time has come and I am leaving my physical body, perhaps, that will have been enough. —Chet

We are divine energy temporarily residing in a physical human body. Energy flows towards what we focus on. We are all co-creators with Divine Source. As such, we must be very mindful and vigilant of what we allow ourselves to think and the words we use. Thoughts and words are energy. They are powerful and life changing. Are those thoughts and words life affirming? Do they benefit us and those around us? —Chet

Meditation is the reprogramming of the hard drive of your brain. If practiced daily, meditation can reset one’s body and mind back to the Creator’s original specifications. —Debbie

Energy is everything and everything is vibrating and in motion always. To the extent that you maintain a higher energy or vibration is exactly congruent with the emotions that you feel in the present time. Higher energy equals more love, more joy, and more peace in your life. This higher vibration or energy has you more in sync with the Universe, its natural flow, and your ability to manifest more quickly and easily that which you desire. One caveat, your desire needs to match up with what is for your highest good and those around you. —Chet

God Is There

When I am feeling alone, adrift in an endless ocean; God is there. When I am sad and cannot be consoled; God is there. When I am lost, with no focus or direction; God is there. When I am losing confidence in my fellow man, their integrity and kindness; God is there. When I am overcoming obstacles and pressing on; God is there. When I am prosperous, successful, and all my needs are met; God is there. When I am growing spiritually, modeling peace and love; God is there. When I am attracting opportunities and people to partner and share with; God is there. When I am feeling guided and protected, nurtured, and enjoying good health; God is there. When my learning is complete, my tasks done, and it is time to go; God is there. God is there to welcome me home.

4/9/2024 11:08 AM — Awareness experience from this morning:

I was putting the Lemon Garbanzo Bean Soup away from last night and, intuitively, I took out the second smallest glass bowl. I looked at the amount of soup, and thought, that’s not going to fit . So, I took out the middle size plastic bowl. I put the soup in the plastic bowl and found that it was too big for that amount of soup.

Lesson: The physical eyes deceive. They are tied to illusion & duality. — Debbie